Daniela Connor

Graphic Designer



Social Media Marketing
Social Media Advertising
Social Media Design
Brand Identity
Motion Media 
Deck Design

Color Theory
Layout Design
Print Design/Production
Poster Design
Product Design
App Design
UX/UI Design


Target App Prototype

︎︎︎figma & principle prototype︎︎︎

Target’s app is a great way for guests to enjoy the extra luxuries of Target. They’ve extended their services to give you more than a “regular shopping experience”. Using their app you have access to order pickup services, drive up services, and your wallet. Working as a Target Guest Advocate I hear the frustration people have about the app. One of those frustrations is how guests search through their purchase history, or lack thereof. I wanted to make this app update, to show how guests access their purchase history and make it easier for them to repurchase items. My prototype includes search bars within the purchase history, along with the option to search via camera by scanning the barcode of an item. Currently when guests want to search through their in-store purchase history, they have to literally scroll through all of their purchases. With this prototype I was able to fix those frustrations and make the app easier and more enjoyable for its users!